Chaomei Chen’s Resume: Other Publications


  1. Zhu, W., Chen, C., Allen, R. (2006) Visualization of Enterprise Social Network through Email Conversations. JCDL2006. pp. 383. (Demo)
  2. Chen, C. Visualizing Patterns and Trends in Scientific Literature – What’s next? Neal, D. and Uzwyshyn, R. eds. Envisioning a Path to the Future, 2005. [Invited]
  3. Chen, C., Measuring the quality of network visualization (Demonstration/Poster). In Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries (JCDL 2005), (Denver, CO, USA, June 7-11, 2005), ACM Press, pp. 405 – 405
  4. Rhyne, T.-M., Hibbard, B., Johnson, C., Chen, C. and Eick, S., Can we determine the top unresolved problems of visualization? In IEEE Visualization 2004, (Austin, Texas, 2004), IEEE Computer Society Press, 563-566.
  5. Chen CM, McCain K, Boyack KW, Lin X, Morris SA (2002) Mapping the knowledge ASIST 2002: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 65TH ASIST ANNUAL MEETING, VOL 39, 2002  PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASIST ANNUAL MEETING, 39: 511-512 2002.
  6. Börner, K. & Chen, C. (2003) Visual user interfaces: Challenges and opportunities. IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (TCDL) Bulletin, 1(1) (Summer 2003)
  7. Börner, K. & Chen, C. (2002) Workshop Report: Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries at JCDL ‘02. ACM/SIGIR Forum, 36(2).
  8. Börner, K. & Chen, C. (2002) Workshop Report: Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries at JCDL ‘02, D-Lib Magazine.
  9. Börner, K. & Chen, C. (2002) JCDL Workshop: Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries. Marchionini, G. & Hersh, W. (eds), Second ACM+IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, July 14-18, 2002, Portland, Oregon, USA, ACM Press, p. 425.
  10. Börner, K. & Chen, C. (2001) Workshop 1: Visual interfaces to digital libraries – its past, present, and future. Proceedings of the first ACM/IEEE joint conference on Digital Libraries, ACM Press. Pp. 482.
  11. Börner, K. & Chen, C. (2001) Visual interfaces to digital libraries – The First International Workshop at the First ACM+IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. SIGIR Forum, Volume 35, Number 1, Spring 2001
  12. Börner, K. & Chen, C. (2001) Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries – The First International Workshop at the First ACM+IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. D-Lib Magazine, 7(7/8) (July/August 2001).