function [OUT_ALIGN cur_score] = RefineAlignments(IN_ALIGN, varargin) % RefineAlignments % Uses an interative algorithm to improve the multiple alignments of % an input sequence. It will iteratively remove a fraction of the % sequences, compress any gaps, and then re-align. This will be done % for NUM_REPS. % % Written by Will Dampier. Contact at % Version 1.0 on 10/23/09 % % [OUT_ALIGN SCORE] = RefineAlignments(IN_ALIGN) % % IN_ALIGN A char-array representing a multiple alignment to be % refined. % % OUT_ALIGN The refined alignment. % SCORE The new alignment score. % % % Optional Arguements: % % 'Alphabet' Either 'AA' or 'NT' to indicate whether this is a % nucleotide or amino acid alignment. % % 'GapPenalty' The penalty for gaps. This is set at -8 by % default. % % 'DistMat' The distance matrix to use for the alignment % scoring. Default is BLOSUM50 for 'AA' and NUC44 % for 'NT' % % 'NumReps' The number of refining iterations to do. % % 'NumTry' The number of tries to perform at each iteration. % % 'RefineType' Which type of refinement to perform. This can % be either 'STOCASTIC', 'DETERMINISTIC' or 'MIXED'. % % 'Display' A boolean indicating whether to display the output % at each iteration. % % RM_FRAC = 0.1; NUM_TRIES = 10; NUM_REPS = 100; alpha = 'aa'; dist_mat = []; gap_penalty = -8; TYPE = 'mixed'; disp_flag = true; for i = 1:2:length(varargin) switch lower(varargin{i}) case 'alphabet' if strcmpi('nt', varargin{i+1}) || strcmpi('aa', varargin{i+1}) alpha = varargin{i+1}; else error('RefineAlignments:BADALPHA', ... 'Arguement to "alphabet" must be "NT" or "AA"') end case 'gappenalty' if isnumeric(varargin{i+1}) && varargin{i+1} < 0 gap_penalty = varargin{i+1}; else error('RefineAlignments:BADGAP', ... 'Arguement to "GapPenalty" must be negative numeric') end case 'distmat' dist_mat = varargin{i+1}; case 'numreps' if isnumeric(varargin{i+1}) && varargin{i+1} > 1 NUM_REPS = varargin{i+1}; else error('RefineAlignments:BADREPS', ... 'Arguement to NumReps must be a positive numeric') end case 'refinetype' TYPE = varargin{i+1}; case 'display' if islogical(varargin{i+1}) disp_flag = varargin{i+1}; else error('RefineAlignments:DISPLAY', ... 'Arguement to Display must be a boolean.') end otherwise error('RefineAlignments:BADARG', 'Unknown arguement: %s', ... lower(varargin{i})) end end if isempty(dist_mat) if strcmpi(alpha, 'nt') dist_mat = nuc44; toint = @nt2int; else dist_mat = blosum50; toint = @aa2int; end end dist_mat(end+1,:) = gap_penalty; dist_mat(:,end+1) = gap_penalty; dist_mat(end,end) = 0; switch upper(TYPE) case 'MIXED' is_stoch = true; is_mix = true; case 'STOCASTIC' is_stoch = true; is_mix = false; case 'DETERMINISTIC' is_stoch = false; is_mix = false; end OUT_ALIGN = IN_ALIGN; cur_score = CalculateScore(OUT_ALIGN, dist_mat, toint); for i = 1:NUM_REPS %determine whether to switch based on the "mix" factor if is_mix is_stoch = ~is_stoch; end rm_rows = GetRows(OUT_ALIGN, is_stoch, RM_FRAC, NUM_TRIES); counter = 1; while counter < NUM_TRIES new_mat = SplitAndReAlign(OUT_ALIGN, rm_rows(:,counter), alpha); new_score = CalculateScore(new_mat, dist_mat, toint); if new_score > cur_score if disp_flag disp_cell = {'On Iter: ', num2str(i), ' Improved by: ', ... num2str(abs(new_score-cur_score)), ' and by ', ... num2str(abs(size(new_mat,2)-size(OUT_ALIGN,2))), ... ' columns', ' Using stoch:', num2str(is_stoch)}; display([disp_cell{:}]) end cur_score = new_score; OUT_ALIGN = new_mat; break end counter = counter + 1; end end function rows_mat = GetRows(MAT, STOCH, RM_FRAC, NUM_TRIES) % GetRows % A helper function which determines the rows to split the alignment % with. % % MAT A char-array of the multiple alignment. % STOCH A boolean indicating whether to use a stochastic approach. % RM_FRAC The fraction of rows to remove. % NUM_TRIES The number of tries to return. % % rows_mat A matrix indicating which rows to remove. % if STOCH rows_mat = rand(size(MAT,1),NUM_TRIES) > RM_FRAC; if any(all(rows_mat,1)) || any(all(~rows_mat,1)) cols = any(all(rows_mat,1)) || any(all(~rows_mat,1)); rows_mat(1,cols) = ~rows_mat(1,cols); end else gap_mask = MAT =='-'; runs = FindRuns(gap_mask); score = mode(runs.*(runs~=0))-min(runs); [~, order] = sort(score, 'descend'); rm_rows = order(1:NUM_TRIES); [~, norder] = sort(runs(:,rm_rows),'descend'); rows_mat = false(size(MAT,1), NUM_TRIES); num_remove = ceil(RM_FRAC*size(MAT,1)); for i = 1:NUM_TRIES rows_mat(norder(1:num_remove,i),i) = true; end end function NEW_MAT = SplitAndReAlign(MAT, ROWS, alpha) % SplitAndReAlign % This will split the alignment matix based on the provided rows and % then create two profiles and re-align them. % % MAT A char-array of the alignment. % ROWS A boolean-array describing the switch between rows % alpha Either 'NT' or 'AA' to indicate which sequence profile to % create. % % NEW_MAT The ReAlinged alignment % mat1 = MAT(ROWS, :); mat2 = MAT(~ROWS, :); mat1(:,all(mat1 == '-',1)) = []; mat2(:,all(mat2 == '-',1)) = []; pmat1 = seqprofile(mat1, 'alphabet', alpha); pmat2 = seqprofile(mat2, 'alphabet', alpha); try [~, ind1, ind2] = profalign(pmat1, pmat2); catch ind1 = 1:size(pmat1,2); ind2 = 1:size(pmat2,2); end NEW_MAT = char(0); NEW_MAT(ROWS, ind1) = mat1; NEW_MAT(~ROWS, ind2) = mat2; NEW_MAT(~isletter(NEW_MAT)) = '-'; NEW_MAT(all(NEW_MAT == '-',1)) = []; function s = CalculateScore(MAT, DIST, FUN) % CalculateScore % A function which calculates the score of the alignment. This score % is based on the agreement between the consensus and each individual % alignment. % % MAT A char-array of a multiple alignment. % DIST A distance matrix which indicates the penalty for % mismatches. % FUN A function which converts letter to numbers such at nt2int % or aa2int. % % s The score for this alingment. % % cons = seqconsensus(MAT); num_cons = FUN(cons); num_align = FUN(MAT); ncons = repmat(num_cons(:), [size(num_align,1), 1]); nalign = num_align(:); lookupinds = sub2ind(size(DIST), ncons, nalign); s = sum(DIST(lookupinds)); function reverse_looking = FindRuns(input) % FindRuns % Finds consecutive runs of 1's along the rows of a boolean array. % % INPUT = [1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1; % 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1]; % RL = [1 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2; % [0 3 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 3]; % [m,n] = size(input); reverse_looking = [zeros(1,m);input.']; reverse_looking = reverse_looking(:); p = find(~reverse_looking); reverse_looking(p) = [0;1-diff(p)]; reverse_looking = reshape(cumsum(reverse_looking),[],m).'; reverse_looking(:,1) = [];